2008年11月17日 星期一


另一則受訪的新聞,這個記者有帶甘國版的sony 像機(看起來很假的一台),所以有圖了
Young Taiwanese Volunteers Serving in The Gambia Speak to The Point

The newly arrived young Taiwanese volunteers in the country recently had a chat with The Point at the Paradisco Restaurant at Senegambia.

Having studied up to the university and acquired their masters, the young Taiwanese choose to serve as volunteers of the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) instead of seeking well paid jobs.

The four young volunteers have spoken to the Youth Forum, while outlining their purpose of choosing to serve in The Gambia for the next two years.

For Charline Hsu, a master’s degree holder in Library Information Science and Archive Studies, National Cheng-Chi University, now works with the Department of State for Education, with the support of the friendly people of this country she is feeling as if she is at home.

Chien, bachelors degree holder in Horticulture who works with the National Agriculture Research Institute NARI also a product of Chinese Culture University, said that she chose The Gambia to learn African’s experience and to share her experience with the people of The Gambia. “I really want to experience with the wider Gambian people,” she said.

Sean Lin, also a master’s degree holder in Information Management who now works with the Department of Physical Planning and Housing, said, “to find a true time of my life, what can I do for the people who really needs me is the fundamental reason why I chooses to be a volunteer.” He stressed that he always thinking on how to make more people achieve greater things through him. “Money is not only way of paying back but to contribute to make others live a better life is essential,” he said.

Selina, a lady with masters in agriculture who also works with NARI, was also pleased to come to The Gambia. For her, it has always been her dream to travel and work in Africa. I think I can do something good for your country based on my profession,” she said. She said that when she was very young she dreamt of saying what she can do for people and not herself. “Gambia is our first choice and we are thanking our two governments for the good relationship.” She said that The Gambia is a small country like Taiwan, the two counties could share their experiences.

All the four volunteers are in their 20s, however there are five Taiwanese volunteers serving in the country and the sixth one is also due to arrive soon. In the past, there used to be only one or two Taiwanese volunteers in The Gambia at a time but the trend has changed this year.

All the volunteers have expressed their commitment in serving The Gambia to the best of their ability.

(Retrieved from http://thepoint.gm/africa/gambia/article/2008/11/13/young-taiwanese-volunteers-serving-in-the-gambia-speak-to-the-point 2008/11/14)

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wusu33431108 提到...

因為校長對技職教育的投入 對後輩的提攜
反觀我們似乎都很容易 因為對一件事物的熟悉
就掉以輕心 輕忽 不認真
但張校長 永遠一絲不苟 永遠兢兢業業
不管他有多忙多累 他都好認真 而且對人都很客氣
其實指導我們的校長們 大家都是非常不簡單
包括劉校長 他那麼忙
因為有他們 才有今天的協會

ipupu 提到...
